Open ID discovery - com.phenixidentity~phenix-oidc-discovery
The com.phenixidentity~phenix-oidc-discovery module allows for automatic discovery of remote OIDC OP. It also provide functionality for verifying signatures when acting as an OIDC RP.
Basic information
Configured remote are fetched at startup and recognised OP issuers along with corresponding jwks_uri.
Name | Description | Mandatory |
name | Name of the module | Yes |
id | Unique id of the module | Yes |
reloadIntervall | how ofter to reload from remote url. Default value 3600000 (millis). | No |
"name": "com.phenixidentity~phenix-oidc-discovery",
"id": "oidcdiscovery"
Adding a discovery endpoint
In the advanced view in in the configuration UI under the "bucket" OIDCDISCOVERY add object:
"id" : "disco_url_1",
"url" : "http_to_endpoint (.well-known)"
After adding the entry referencing is then done through the internal id.