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This valve is blocking - this may hurt throughput and cause performance issues since other pipes won't be able to execute while this valve is waiting on a long-running operation in the same instance of the pipes module, for example due to a network request, disk access or similar. Try to limit the usage of blocking valves, try to ensure that they are fast to execute, and if needed, consider deploying multiple instances of the pipes module.


Valve for delivering one-time passwords by SMTP.


Name Description Default value Mandatory Supports property expansion
generated_otp_name Item property containing the generated otp. generated_otp No No
mail_param_name Property containing the recipient mail address. mail No Yes
userid_param_name Property containing the username. User-Name No Yes
mail_template The file path to the mail message template. resources/otp_mail_template.mustache No No
smtp_settings SMTP server Settings. Yes No
smtp_host SMTP host address. Overrides SMTP server Settings. No No
smtp_port SMTP port number. Overrides SMTP server Settings. 587 No No
smtp_from_address The from mail address. Overrides SMTP server Settings. No No
smtp_username Username for the smtp account. Overrides SMTP server Settings. No No
smtp_password Password for the smtp account. Overrides SMTP server Settings. No No
start_tls_enabled true No No
ssl_on_connect false No No
ssl_check_server_identity false No No
socket_connection_timeout 15 No No
removal_prefixes Prefixes to be removed as a comma separated list. smtp:,SMTP:,sip: No No
message_subject_key Locale key for the mail message subject. Found in lang/*/strings.xml valves.otp.smtp.message.subject No No
message_body_key Locale key for the mail message body. Found in lang/*/strings.xml valves.otp.smtp.message.body No No
message_subject Static, non localizeable message. Overrides message_subject_key parameter. No No
message_body Static, non localizeable message. Overrides message_body_key parameter. No No
dynamic_values Dynamic template mapping values. Separated by pipe (|) Replaces key with value in the message sent to user.
Syntax: $$USERNAME={{item.givenName}}|$$SOME_OTHER_KEY={{item.somevalue}}
See example below.
No Yes

Advanced properties

Additional configuration properties to be used for recipients like

Name Description Default value Mandatory Supports property expansion
wash_mobile_number If the mobile number should be washed (i.e. removal of whitespaces, - and other non-number characters). false No No
recipient_prefix Prepends the recipient number with a country prefix if it starts with '0'. (example: +46) No No
force_prefix Always prefixes the recipient number. false No No
remove_leading_plus If the leading + character should be removed from the mobile number. false No No

Example Configuration

A connection to SMTP can be made using scenario's in PhenixID configuration portal.
So some of the parameters will be contained within that global smtp configuration.
If  a connection has been created already, the id for smtp_settings will be  used and configuration will look similar to the first example.

The valve can also be added with all the parameters, through the Advanced tab in PhenixID configuration portal.
Configuration will then look similar to the second example.

        "name": "OTPBySMTPValve",
        "enabled": "true",
        "config": {
              "smtp_settings": "fff21007-4fbe-450d-8aa2-3756a44745fa",
              "start_tls_enabled": "true",
              "userid_param_name": "User-Name",
              "mail_param_name": "mail",
              "generated_otp_name": "generated_otp",
              "mail_template": "resources/otp_mail_template.mustache",
              "socket_connection_timeout": "15",
              "removal_prefixes": "smtp:,SMTP:,sip:",
              "dynamic_values" : "$$USERNAME={{item.givenName}}"
        "name": "OTPBySMTPValve",
        "config": { 
              "socket_connection_timeout" : "30",
              "removal_prefixes" : "smtp:,SMTP:",
              "generated_otp_name" : "generated_otp",
              "mail_template" : "resources/otp_mail_template.mustache",
              "smtp_host" : "",
              "smtp_port" : "587",
              "smtp_username" : "",
              "smtp_password" : "{enc}Lsd28p9AMU1oAjwHgHprVdWmGteLZ6XYxY/AxkBusXg=",
              "smtp_from_address" : "",
              "message_subject": "Hello $$USERNAME",
              "message_body": "Hello $$USERNAME, your otp is $$OTP",
              "wash_mobile_number" : "true",
              "recipient_prefix" : "+46",
              "dynamic_values" : "$$USERNAME={{item.givenName}}"

In the example above the value for attribute mail has been picked up earlier in the flow.

The value for userid_param_name has been picked up from the request. Most common values are {{request.User-Name}} for RADIUS and {{request.username}} for HTTP.

In the first example the message sent to user is fetched from the entry: valves.otp.smtp.message.body located in the lang/en/strings.xml file.


Item set must have at least one entry.