Signs pdf document according to PADES requirements. Additionally, the valve adds a visual representation of the signature on the last page of the document. The valve adds a pdf page as the last page to the document where all visual signatures will be added, if there are no previously added signatures.
Supports profiles B & LTA.
Name | Description | Default value | Mandatory | Supports property expansion |
keyStoreID | Alias (certificateAlias) of the keystore used to sign. | Yes | Yes | |
pdfSourceData | Location of the B64 encoded pdf data. | Yes | Yes | |
pdfTarget | Name of the item attribute where to store the signed pdf document. | No | No | |
padesProfile | allowed values are B or lta | B | No | No |
tsaUrl | URL of the TSA to use. | No | No | |
signText | Text to be visual in the pdf document signature | No | Yes | |
backDropImage | Path to an image used as backdrop for the signature, PNG required. The backdrop image file must be added manually to the target folder. If no path is specified, a minified visual signature will be used. | No | No | |
leftOffset | Left spacing of the visual signature | 0 | No | No |
topOffset | Off set from the top for where the first signature should be placed | 0 | No | No |
padding | Space between signatures | 0 | No | No |
signingPage | Used to override the defualt signing page. The property is a path to a PDF document, where the first page will be used as signing page. | No | No | |
headingSignerText | Used to override default text for the heading linked to the signer | N/A | No | No |
headingDateText | Used to override default text for the heading linked to the signed date | N/A | No | No |
relaxRevocationIssuedTimestamp | Will allow more relaxed verification of revocation timestamps. Valid values: "true"/"false" | "false" | No | No |
requireVisualSignature | A property for deciding what to do if a visual signature can not be added. If the service is unable to add a visual signature, the signature will fail if the property is set to true . If set to false only a digital signature will be added without a visual representation. |
"true" | No | No |
Example Configuration 1
"name" : "PADESSignVisibleSignatureValve",
"enabled" : "true",
"config" : {
"keyStoreID" : "824d48cc-070e-44fc-8367-e6702385b095",
"pdfSourceData" : "{{item.b64}}",
"backDropImage" : "resources/defaults/signature_1200x183.png",
"signText" : "{{item.signText}}",
"padesProfile" : "lta",
"tsaUrl" : "",
"topOffset" : "35",
"leftOffset" : "35",
"padding" : "5",
"pdfTarget" : "document",
"requireVisualSignature" : "false"
Example Configuration 2
"name": "CreateShortTermKeyStoreValve",
"enabled": "true",
"config": {
"subjectKeyParamater": "CN={{}} ({{request.method}}),o=phenixid",
"caTemplateKeyParamater": "35edf55c-e5c3-4743-babc-a9905f49b127",
"keyUsage": [
"name": "PADESSignVisibleSignatureValve",
"enabled": "true",
"config": {
"keyStoreID": "{{item.keyStoreId}}",
"pdfSourceData": "{{item.temporary}}",
"signText": "{{}} with {{request.method}}",
"topOffset": "35",
"leftOffset": "35",
"padding": "5",
"pdfTarget": "document"
The backdrop image must have the size of 1200x183. Example of backdrop:
Example of how backdrop signatures will look:
Minified visual signature
If no backdrop is specified, a minified version of the visual signature will be used. Example: