Table of Contents



Valve for extracting attributes from a certificate in PEM format. All certificate attributes will be added as item properties.


Name Description Default value Mandatory Supports property expansion
cert The certificate to read. Must be in PEM format. Yes Yes
attributes Select which certificate attributes to read. * means all. * No No
prefix Item property prefix. All item properties added will start with this prefix. cert_ No No


Supports extraction of the following certificate attributes:

Name Description
subject Certificate subject name
issuer Certificate issuer name
not_before Certificate not before value as an ISO date/time
not_after Certificate not after value as an ISO date/time
serial Serial number
key_usage Key usage as a comma separated string of booleans (true/false), see About X509 Valves
basic_contraints Basic constraints as int
sign_algorithm Algorithm used for signing
ext_key_usage Comma separated string of extended key usage values, see About X509 Valves
pub_key Certificate public key in PEM
pub_key_algorithm Public key algorithm
pub_key_format Public key algorithm (X.509)
pub_key_type Public key type (RSA)
pub_key_size Public key size (1024, 2048, etc)
crl_distribution_points Comma separated list of CRL distribution points
ocsp_locations Comma separated list of OCSP location
ocsp_issuers Comma separated list of OCSP issuers
san_otherName Subject Alternative Name - Other name
san_rfc822Name Subject Alternative Name - Email
san_dNSName Subject Alternative Name - DNS
san_x400Address Subject Alternative Name -X.400
san_directoryName Subject Alternative Name - DirName
san_ediPartyName Subject Alternative Name - EID
san_uniformResourceIdentifier Subject Alternative Name - URL
san_iPAddress Subject Alternative Name - IP address
Subject Alternative Name - OID

Example Configuration

  "name": "CertificateExtractorValve",
  "config": {
    "cert": "{{item.certToParse}}",
    "prefix" : "mycert_",
    "attributes" : "subject,not_before,not_after"